by Martin Dodd | Nov 22, 2016 | Blog
What a silly question to ask, but many people are thinking it more and more. I get asked the question about where to hold cash savings just about every week from my clients and the comments I get range from, “Martin, we’ve got to do better” to “I can remember when...
by Martin Dodd | Mar 13, 2015 | Blog
It can be very tempting to keep money in the building society or in a deposit account as you cannot lose money, right? The simple answer is yes, but the long answer is most certainly NO. Let me explain. Let’s say you have worked hard all of your life and you have...
by Martin Dodd | Feb 23, 2015 | Blog
Deciding whether to invest within an NISA or a pension can be quite a challenge. Recent changes that have been made to these investments so it is which way is the best way to go? So the right place to save for your retirement can be a...