by Martin Dodd | May 1, 2017 | Blog
It is estimated that approximately 800,000 people below the State Pension Age are in receipt of pension income and may be paying tax even though their total income is below the personal allowance. This is according to recent information published by pension provider,...
by Martin Dodd | Nov 13, 2016 | Blog
Well it can and here’s how. So, in the 2016 Budget, a significant announced was made that changed the main stream capital gains tax (CGT) rate. The rate has been reduced from 18% rate of CGT to 10% for basic rate tax payers, and the 28% rate of CGT to 20% for higher...
by Martin Dodd | Sep 28, 2016 | Blog
I am concerned to put it mildly. In fact it’s always been a major concern of mine. You may be wondering what I am talking about. What I am talking about is the new ‘pension freedom’ rules and the possibility that people miscalculate how much they can...
by Martin Dodd | Jun 22, 2016 | Blog
It’s easy to forget about pensions and it’s even easier to forget what pensions you have got if you have acquired a few over the years. I often meet new people who have half a dozen pensions from various employments. As pensions are a dry if not uninteresting subject,...