Do you have missing pension fund money?

Do you have missing pension fund money?

It’s easy to forget about pensions and it’s even easier to forget what pensions you have got if you have acquired a few over the years. I often meet new people who have half a dozen pensions from various employments. As pensions are a dry if not uninteresting subject,...

Financial Advice from banks – can you trust it?

  Many people see financial advice from banks, but can you be sure that your getting the right financial advice I am prepared to give anyone the benefit of the doubt and treat people as I find them. But this is about people’s money and financial advice is a...

Pension review – and why you need to do it

The importance of a pension review – and why you need to do it, especially if you are within 20 years of using your pension funds. A lot can be done to dramatically improve your retirement prospects given time. However if you leave it too late, the chances of...

Why I regularly review my investment portfolio

Over the years you may have acquired a range of investments, whether they are investments within a pension, ISA’s, unit trusts, Investment Trusts, Investment Bonds or direct shares. It’s one decision to invest in the first place, however when it comes to reviewing...