Inheritance tax planning just being ignored. WHY?

Inheritance tax planning just being ignored. WHY?

Canada Life have recently published their IHT Survey for 2016 and it makes for some very interesting reading. Only a 25% of wealthy Brits have sought professional estate planning advice to ensure their families don’t pay more tax than they have to. Over 25% don’t have...

What to do if a relative or loved one dies

At some point in our lives we may be faced with having to deal with the death of someone close to us. Aside from dealing with the very stressful time there are number of things that need to be sorted out.   There are a few things that needed to be sorted out fairly...

Client Case Study : Estate Planning

Challenges  John came to us with concerns about how he was going to be able to protect his Property Portfolio. John is in his mid 50’s and has built up a property portfolio over the last 10 years. John wanted to ensure that the mortgages are fully repaid and that the...