by Martin Dodd | May 1, 2017 | Blog
It is estimated that approximately 800,000 people below the State Pension Age are in receipt of pension income and may be paying tax even though their total income is below the personal allowance. This is according to recent information published by pension provider,...
by Martin Dodd | May 1, 2017 | Blog
Some think it is and it’s not difficult to see why some people are thinking this, particularly as there has been a raft of law changes that make property ownership (certainly for investors) at lot less attractive. So, is the love affair with buy to let property over?...
by Martin Dodd | Mar 31, 2017 | Blog
Premium bonds celebrated their 60th anniversary last year and even to this day they have remained as popular as ever And, it’s not hard to see that what they offer is closer to a lottery ticket than a viable investment opportunity. More chance of winning the Lottery...
by Martin Dodd | Sep 16, 2016 | Blog
“Just before I sign here Martin, can I just ask you one more question” “Of course Chris, fire away” After a series of meetings with Chris to put together his financial plan for the future, we were sat around our conference room table at our...
by Martin Dodd | Sep 10, 2016 | Blog
“So Chris, we have established what you goals and objectives are for the future.” “That’s it then” said Chris, “we can get on and invest the money, right?” “Well, not quite Chris. We need to know how much risk you can tolerate and with how much of the money you have...