by Martin Dodd | Jan 2, 2017 | Blog
It’s pretty difficult to get by in life without having to make financial decisions about what you should do for right now in the moment, the medium term and for the long term. In fact, you just have to make decisions any way you look at it. So, as a financial adviser...
by Martin Dodd | Sep 10, 2016 | Blog
“So Chris, we have established what you goals and objectives are for the future.” “That’s it then” said Chris, “we can get on and invest the money, right?” “Well, not quite Chris. We need to know how much risk you can tolerate and with how much of the money you have...
by Martin Dodd | May 25, 2016 | Blog
In my opinion at least 50% of the people I speak to about life after work, have considered the idea of live abroad in retirement Let’s face it, we have all been away on holiday, usually in an idyllic spot and thought, I could live here in retirement. And probably...
by Martin Dodd | May 20, 2016 | Blog
And what those that do, can gain by taking it Financial advisers often wonder why so many people do not take any kind of financial advice from a professionally qualified financial adviser, preferring to take advice from friends, family, an accountant (not qualified to...