We Help Business Owners &
Successful Families Make Smart Decisions About Money
Better decisions for a better life
We Help Business Owners & Successful Families
To Become Clear about their Money
Worry Less About Money Whilst You Plan Your Life Journey
The NEW AGE Of Financial Planning Is Here
Our aim is to provide Financial Advice, to help Business Owners and Successful Families make smarter decisions about their money.
We ALL need to understand the answers to the BIG FINANCIAL QUESTIONS that we ALL have.
- How much is enough?
- When will I have enough?
- How do I best look after our money?
Financial advice to help you make the best decisions about your money, your retirement plans and how to pass your wealth to the next generation.
We can help you make great DECISIONS, not only in the good times, but also when it gets tough.
The Story So Far…
From our experience as financial advisers there are 3 major reasons why people come to us about their financial planning.
Many people are unsure about how to PLAN for the future with their investments and retirement plans
Or their current adviser, is NOT TAKING CARE OF THEM as they would like.
And the third season is that at some point many of us want to create a ‘FUTURE PLAN’, in preparation for when their lives transitions to the next phase….
If this you? Why not Schedule a call with us.
Helping Shape Proper Financial Planning
At Midlands Investment Agency, our number one PRIORITY is to help our clients create a long-term plan that is RESILIENT even when we face challenging times. Our purpose is to help people understand what they want out of life and to help them understand how their money can help improve their lives today and in the future. We help our clients to see and understand where they are NOW, and what the FUTURE may look like, so that they can make the IMPORTANT decisions that need to me made sooner rather than later.
Sometimes LATER Becomes TOO LATE
We aim to increase your CONFIDENCE now and for the future.
The new age of financial planning is exciting here at Midlands Investment Agency, where we continue to rethink how best to serve our clients.
Together, we can make a difference and we love to hear about YOUR PLANS. We love to see how small and sometimes big changes can have a huge IMPACT on you and your family.
Tired Of Not Having A Clear Plan For Your Retirement
And Want To Retire Worry-free?
… Get A Copy Of My EXACT Step by Step Guide that will help make sure that your retirement plans are on track and working properly.

Join Martin’s Facebook Community For Business Owners Who Want To Retire Worry-free
What We Do Best
Retirement Road Map
From our experience as financial advisers there are three major reasons why people come to us about their retirement plans. Many people are either disappointed with how their retirement plans are performing or their existing adviser, is just not looking after them properly. Secondly, at some point many people wish to consolidate their various retirement plans into one account, in preparation for the need for income when their normal working lives transitions to the next phase….
Is this you? If so, why not book a call with us.
Inheritance Tax & Generational Wealth Planning
Inheritance Tax is a tax that is often overlooked and not planned for. This often leads to families having to pay far more tax than is necessary. From our experience, many people avoid tackling the problem, because it is perceived to be too difficult to solve. As a consequence many people either do nothing or leave it very late. With the right expertise inheritance tax can be reduced or eliminated altogether, even if the amount of time left to plan is limited.
Is this you? If so, why not get in touch.
Making A BIG Once In A Lifetime Investment
When it comes to looking after the wealth and investments you have accumulated, making the right decisions can be a challenge. Making big investment decisions, is not always that simple and it is important to make sure that you make the right decisions, avoiding any unnecessary mistakes.
If you have recently inherited a lump sum or have sold your business, you make be thinking about how best to invest the money for both income needs and growth.
Is this you? If so, why not book a call with us.